PRETEND LIKE made some 'Best Of 2018' lists. These are some.
This greedy lil squirrel is hoarding awards and compliments, like we all do sometimes. Totally natural…
Pardon the horn-tooting but the sweet-little-record-that-could has somehow ended up on some ‘best of the year’ lists and I feel like listing a few of them might help me look cool. And also remind you that the record exists, because we’re not even a full month into 2019 and 2018 already feels like it happened five years ago. We are aging faster than the guy who drank out of the false grail in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, and we all know whose fault that is but let’s not sully this moment by naming him. Anyway if you want to cross reference your good taste with the good taste of others, here are some people who liked to get with this in 2018:
It goes without saying but let me waste those words by just saying it: I am super, super grateful to the people who made these lists and helped to get the word out to other music lovers about me and the record. Great company to be in too. Hell of a year, all things considered. Let’s hope I make more lists in 2019 than the one I’m a dead lock for, ‘Humans Who Spent The Most Time On The Cereal Aisle Deciding Which Unhealthy Cereal To Buy In 2019’. I LIKE TO MAKE AN INFORMED DECISION OKAY???