2019: A Recap Worth Recapping
Taken right after my drummer apparated into cosmic dust, leaving me all alone on stage. Typical.
Lots of cool stuff coming up for 2020 but before I start banging on about all that let’s look back on what turned out to be a pretty fun year in Michael Flynn Country (TM). It started out with some crazy dream shit: a movie came out with my song all up in the opening credits and I got to sing with a few legends of stage and screen to promote it:
Not bad at all. The spring tour w/ Kris Gruen took us from NYC all the way down to Mobile, where my only regret was that we didn’t rent a bicycle built for 2 and drive it around making adorable social media content. Ate 3 kinds of crab for lunch in Norfolk (that would end up being a big regret as well) but then played the most fun, weird show of the year.
Played an awesome Sofar show in Charleston in June at the kind of apartment complex I could never afford to live in but WOULD watch a Melrose-esque soap opera all about. Sang this song there and met lots of cool folks:
What else… I wrote a LOT of songs this summer. More on them in 2020. Also got this lil firecracker:
Ladies and gentlemen, the worst roommate I’ve ever had. BY A MILE.
First dog I’ve ever had and while I remain a non-dog person, he is wearing me down. Several times a day I think ‘hmm… maybe I like you. Maybe’.
Fall tour reunited me w Kris Gruen and took me from NYC up to Boston and rural Vermont which is surprisingly reminiscent of western North Carolina. We melted all the faces
The winner is me.
Spent a lot of time writing and recording what will be a new record born unto the world in 2020 assuming we all live that long. Finished off the year playing a ‘songwriters in the round’ show at the Purple Onion that went straight into my all-time top 5 favorite shows I’ve ever played.
Actually that wasn’t my final gig of 2019; this week I accompanied my daughter singing in the Christmas variety show at her elementary school (she is currently crushing the 2nd grade). I wanted to throw up beforehand and cry with joyful pride during but somehow found the strength to do neither. We are currently accepting solicitations for daddy-daughter record deals, though we will only read over the contracts in our brief free time between play sessions of Luigi’s Mansion 3 so responses might be slow.
So yeah. The world outside of my little bubble might be melting/crumbling/dissolving into Thanos Dust (TM) but I personally had a hell of a year. Thanks to everyone for listening, coming to shows, buying CDs even though they don’t own a CD player besides the broken one in their car, being my friend, and being nice. Here’s hoping 2020 slaps.
My daughter really captured the essence of me when she snapped this photo. I am blurry, inside and out.